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  • Writer's pictureAstroRach

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - Letting go of insecurities and transformative experiences

As you can see from the elements table, this full moon is all about earth and water - there are absolutely no planets in air and we just have the North node and Chiron in Aries.

With the Taurus-Scorpio axis being all about security - material security (Taurus) and psychological security (Scorpio) are likely to be themes this full moon. How this will manifest for you will depend on where it falls in your chart but with the moon in exalted in Taurus and Jupiter just 6 degrees away forming a conjunction, there is potential to let go of something that's been making you feel insecure for some time in an emotionally mature way.

That said, full moons are not a time for us to be neatly addressing emotional issues but definite aid us in allowing ourselves to be raw and vulnerable.

With the Sun, Mercury and Mars all in Aries, strategic communication and intensity are also likely whilst Venus in Virgo enables us to look at things with practicality and attention to detail.

Important not to forget how Pluto in Capricorn is the apex of a T-square that this forms so expect Plutonian themes of transformation and Capricorn themes of ambition and discipline might be the release point!

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