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  • Writer's pictureAstroRach

The Elements of Astrology - Fire, Earth, Air and Water

The elements of astrology - fire, earth, water and air

When looking at a chart, after a quick look at whatever catches my eye, I jump straight to the elements table which on my favourite chart calculating website, Astrodienst, looks like this:

elements grid

So what am I asking myself, well ....

Is there a dominant element? In this case there is quite a lot of water, and as a lot of the water planets are also personal planets, this carries quite a lot of weight. the Sun, Moon, and Mars in this example case.

Is there a lack of any of the elements? In this case, not really but there aren't any personal planets in earth.


Fire for me is one of the easiest elements to really understand as I've grown up with hearing people say that such and such has a 'fiery' side or a 'fiery personality' and that usually means that they are passionate with a strong sense of mission - they might be quite quick to react or act quite dramatically to things. With fire signs being of positive polarity in astrology, it's an extroverted energy.


Next, we've got earth energy which also isn't so difficult to understand when you think of classic phrases that have in the UK at least. We say someone is 'down to earth', we say that someone is 'grounded' - they are practical and like tangible outcomes and all things that we can see physically happening on earth. Earth signs are of negative polarity in astrology, which is an introverted energy.


Now with air I find it doesn't come quite as natural to understand but we're talking ideasm thoughts and well, literally talking when it comes to air energy as communication is a big one with this energy too. Planets in air tend to express themselves logically and verbally - they intellectualize things. Air signs are always positive polarity, so alongside fire signs, they are extroverted energy too.


When we're talking water, we're thinking of emotions, creativity and intuition. Planets in water act in according to feeling. As with earth, they are always a negative polarity and therefore introverted energy.


If you'd like to learn more about the elements in a casual, fun way - maybe check out the trailer for the film 'elemental' to get an idea! Perhaps opposites really do attract! If you'd like to watch the full thing and you've not got disney plus then you can find it on Amazon prime through the link here.*

*please note that I may receive a small commission if you decide to watch the movie through the amazon link above. Thank you for supporting my page.

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