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My Services

At the moment, I'm offering my services mainly to those completely new to astrology. I enjoy being the first person to introduce them to the world of astrology through writing up a short birth chart report for them.

I am wanting to offer an alternative to the computer generated reports offered online that don't take into account the bigger picture.

I also like to explain why I am saying what I am saying as I go along, so that you have an opportunity to learn astrology through reading your own chart so for all readings you will receive two PDFs. One with the chart and written interpretation, and another that has areas of the chart and text highlighted so that you can see the points of the chart that I am referring to. 

Big Three Report -£25

The 'Big Three' in Astrology refers to the placements that are usually the most important in astrology.

The Sun placement you probably already know the sign for, most people know if they are a Taurus or a Capricorn for example - but with an accurate time of birth, I can also tell you the 'house' which shows what area of life your purpose relates to which makes it much more accurate when looking at your overall personality. 

The Moon placement is extremely useful to know as it concerns how we soothe ourselves, how we nurture ourselves and want we need to feel secure emotionally. Again, knowing the house will enable me to guide you further in what might work best for you. 

The Rising sign in astrology concerns the first impressions we make on people and how we approach life. I'll be able to give you some idea of how other people see you when you first meet them and the mask or persona you adopt in new situations. 

If there is anything else I can see quickly from your chart that you might like to read more into yourself, then I might also add some links to websites that could be useful for you. This report is usually two pages, one page with the birth chart diagram and one with my written interpretations. 

Career Reading - £35

With the career reading, I'll look at your big three as above, and then I'll look at the parts of your chart that suggest possible career options for you. The 10th house of career is somewhere that I'll start but I'll also look at the 6th house of work and your midheaven that shows your public persona. Depending on your chart, I may also talk about your North Node. This report is usually three pages, one page with the birth chart diagram and two with my written interpretations. 

Birth Chart Report - £50 

In this report, I give you the big three and career readings as above, plus I go more into the rest of your personal planets and the relationships they have with each other. That means I'll look into the placements of Mercury (how you learn and communicate), Venus, (your tastes and values), Mars (how you fight for what you want in life) along with Jupiter, Saturn, North Node, Midheaven and whatever else seems useful for you to know. This report is usually three pages, one page with the birth chart diagram and two or three pages with my written interpretation. 

How to Order

If you are interested in a reading, please contact me on or if you live outside the UK, please order a reading through my etsy store.  At times, I offer discounts on my etsy store and if you see it cheaper on etsy, please contact me and I'll write you a report for the same price. 

I will always need your birth date, birth location and an accurate birth time to be able to draw up your chart.

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